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Salt chlorinator, regula and ccedil; and water treatment of the remote pool.

A single and uacute;oacute;lysis control unit for electronics, regulation and ccedil; and atilde;o and control of pool equipment (water pump filtration and ccedil; and atilde;o, heat pump, lighting and ccedil; and atilde;o...).

Module management Wi-Fi / Ethernet (optional) simple and easy distance operation.
C and aacute;automatic calculation of concentration and ccedil; and salt atilde;o.
and Always clean water: product savings qu and iacute;mic products and unparalleled comfort.
Visual control of production and ccedil; and atilde;o gra and ccedil;as to its transparent c and eacute;squid.
3-year warranty box.
Cell warranty of 8,000 effective hours.

Salt Chlorinator Aquarite Plus and nbsp;com a op and ccedil; and atilde;o Wifi and nbsp;you can manage everything connected to your salt chlorinator with Alexa, Google Home or Google Assistant.

The optional pH kit includes:
Peristaltic Dosing Pump 1.5 l/h.
Solu and ccedil; and otilde;es of caliber and ccedil; and atilde;o pH 10 and pH 7 respectively.
pH electrode.
Electrode holder, v and aacute; injection and ccedil valve; and atilde;o, v and aacute;suction and ccedil valve; and wiring and piping.

Can control at and eacute; seven equipment, heat pump, lighting and ccedil; and atilde;o, waterfalls, etc.

At and eacute; 5 filtering modes
Manual mode. It allows us to activate and deactivate the filtration and ccedil system; and adjust it manually.
Automatic and automatic mode. Opera and ccedil; and atilde;o and eacute; controlled daily by the schedules indicated by n and oacute;s in Aquarite Plus.
Filter cleaning. This mode allows us to backwash the filter.
Intelligent mode This mode allows you to automatically manage the production's operating times; and chlorine atilde;o in function and ccedil; and water temperature.
The Smart mode will indicate 2 temperature pairs and acirc;meters, the maximum that determines and aacute; operation for time intervals such as automatic mode and the minimum temperature at which the equipment will operate; just 5 minutes a day. Between these two medi and ccedil; and temperature otilde;es, the equipment and eacute; automatically managed.

Optionally, we can improve the performance for this Hayward salt chlorinator:
The kit and nbsp;redox (ORP) and nbsp;that allows for the automatic control of chlorine production. Using a probe, the need for disinfectant is measured, activating the salt chlorinator when necessary.
O kit and nbsp;pH and nbsp;mede e regula o and nbsp;pH and nbsp;da and aacute;gua atrav and eacute;s de uma sonda e uma bomba doseadora.

Possibilidades do and nbsp;Aquarite Plus
With the optional kit and nbsp;Wi-Fi and nbsp;d and aacute; we have the possibility of controlling the pool equipment remotely from a and nbsp;smartphone. S and oacute; we have to combine it with a module and nbsp;Wi-Fi, this does not come with the equipment and we will have to buy aacute; it separately.

Once we have our m and oacute;dulo and nbsp;Wi-Fi and nbsp;installed, we will download the application for free and we will be able to control our pool from anywhere. This is optional; and atilde;o and eacute; very interesting for maintenance and ccedil; and pool attendant because in any situation it is safe; If there is an abnormal situation, we can act quickly or notify our maintenance manager; and atilde;o.



Sale price €1,553.16
Regular price €2,219.12You saved€665.96 OFF
  • AQUARITE PLUS Salt Electrolysis 16 gr/h
  • AQUARITE PLUS Salt Electrolysis 22 gr/h
  • AQUARITE PLUS Salt Electrolysis 33 gr/h
  • AQUARITE PLUS Salt Electrolysis 50 gr/h

Salt chlorinator, regula and ccedil; and water treatment of the remote pool.

A single and uacute;oacute;lysis control unit for electronics, regulation and ccedil; and atilde;o and control of pool equipment (water pump filtration and ccedil; and atilde;o, heat pump, lighting and ccedil; and atilde;o...).

Module management Wi-Fi / Ethernet (optional) simple and easy distance operation.
C and aacute;automatic calculation of concentration and ccedil; and salt atilde;o.
and Always clean water: product savings qu and iacute;mic products and unparalleled comfort.
Visual control of production and ccedil; and atilde;o gra and ccedil;as to its transparent c and eacute;squid.
3-year warranty box.
Cell warranty of 8,000 effective hours.

Salt Chlorinator Aquarite Plus and nbsp;com a op and ccedil; and atilde;o Wifi and nbsp;you can manage everything connected to your salt chlorinator with Alexa, Google Home or Google Assistant.

The optional pH kit includes:
Peristaltic Dosing Pump 1.5 l/h.
Solu and ccedil; and otilde;es of caliber and ccedil; and atilde;o pH 10 and pH 7 respectively.
pH electrode.
Electrode holder, v and aacute; injection and ccedil valve; and atilde;o, v and aacute;suction and ccedil valve; and wiring and piping.

Can control at and eacute; seven equipment, heat pump, lighting and ccedil; and atilde;o, waterfalls, etc.

At and eacute; 5 filtering modes
Manual mode. It allows us to activate and deactivate the filtration and ccedil system; and adjust it manually.
Automatic and automatic mode. Opera and ccedil; and atilde;o and eacute; controlled daily by the schedules indicated by n and oacute;s in Aquarite Plus.
Filter cleaning. This mode allows us to backwash the filter.
Intelligent mode This mode allows you to automatically manage the production's operating times; and chlorine atilde;o in function and ccedil; and water temperature.
The Smart mode will indicate 2 temperature pairs and acirc;meters, the maximum that determines and aacute; operation for time intervals such as automatic mode and the minimum temperature at which the equipment will operate; just 5 minutes a day. Between these two medi and ccedil; and temperature otilde;es, the equipment and eacute; automatically managed.

Optionally, we can improve the performance for this Hayward salt chlorinator:
The kit and nbsp;redox (ORP) and nbsp;that allows for the automatic control of chlorine production. Using a probe, the need for disinfectant is measured, activating the salt chlorinator when necessary.
O kit and nbsp;pH and nbsp;mede e regula o and nbsp;pH and nbsp;da and aacute;gua atrav and eacute;s de uma sonda e uma bomba doseadora.

Possibilidades do and nbsp;Aquarite Plus
With the optional kit and nbsp;Wi-Fi and nbsp;d and aacute; we have the possibility of controlling the pool equipment remotely from a and nbsp;smartphone. S and oacute; we have to combine it with a module and nbsp;Wi-Fi, this does not come with the equipment and we will have to buy aacute; it separately.

Once we have our m and oacute;dulo and nbsp;Wi-Fi and nbsp;installed, we will download the application for free and we will be able to control our pool from anywhere. This is optional; and atilde;o and eacute; very interesting for maintenance and ccedil; and pool attendant because in any situation it is safe; If there is an abnormal situation, we can act quickly or notify our maintenance manager; and atilde;o.

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