Full Inverter and technology and laquo;IN-Tech and raquo; to heat or cool the pool, even aggravated; distance and acirc;ncia
The latest technologies in pool heat pumps
The K-PAC equipped with Full Inverter technology and laquo;IN-Tech and raquo; which guarantees a stable temperature, uses R32 fluid, an easy alloy; and 50 mm hydraulic and aacute; equipped with a DC Inverter fan.
In addition to its silent mode, its design (p and eacute;s anti-vibration and ccedil; and atilde;o) allows a level of sound pressure and actitude of at least 30 dB(A) at 10 m and eleva and ccedil; and aacute;rapid and accurate stability of the desired temperature.
Control and manage pool temperature remotely
Hayward's K-PAC can be used in temperatures as low as -7°C with a COP and >; 5.5*. and nbsp;
Easy to use, it has an LCD and ldquo;One Touch and rdquo; of 3.5 & rdquo; for intuitive use as a smartphone and optional Wi-Fi module. and nbsp;
The user can also add an optional Wi-Fi Smart Temp and reg module to remotely control and manage the temperature of their pool.
A tecnologia and laquo;Full Inverter and raquo;
IN-Tech technology, 100% Inverter for high performance
Rapid ascension and stability of the desired temperature
Digital panel for intuitive use
Operation from -7 and order;C
Supplied with winter cover
FLUID R32 Better performance
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and emissions by 2/3
10% less fluid
Simple to use and recycle
No impact on the ozone layer